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American Fuji Seal Celebrates topping off ceremony

ceremony marks milestone

On April 21, KBD Group and American Fuji Seal celebrated a shared milestone at a Topping Off Ceremony in Newton, North Carolina. It was a joy to see the last structural beam put in place on this 191,000 square-foot project. The signatures from our team leaders on the custom Fuji Seal banner made for a memorable and special occasion. 

What is a Topping off Ceremony?

Within the construction industry, topping off (also known as topping out) is when the last beam is placed atop the structure, still within the stages of being fabricated. This is a huge project milestone, signifying that the structure has reached its maximum height. A celebration isn’t required but is often held in order to mark the event and enjoy the progress made. Various countries hold ceremonies infused with their own traditions, such as New Zealand, which treats their employees to cake and beer. In the United States, the final structural piece is often painted white and signed by members of the construction team. Read more

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